First of all, site title, is the title tag Webpage code in the content is displayed in the title bar, a lot of people do not pay attention to, cause all the title of the page. This point is not conducive to the search engines, but also seriously affect the user experience. So we do optimization requires an independent title for each page, the page content is the title theme. Each site optimization personnel all know, correlation search engine attaches great importance to the content, more easy to let users click search engine results obtained from the title and description of the good, but also conducive to improve your search engine ranking.
Second, Webpage Title Syntax, if you consider the user experience of words, Webpage title is to provide to the user, the user is the person, search engines are not people, but has a certain degree of human thinking. So, the title should be in the normal grammar to name, that is to say, a word to be distinguished SVO, let people read. This is to let you remember, do not stack keywords in the title, should be clever to put keywords in a complete sentence, from this point of view, is also in line with the user experience.
Third, part of Webpage title, it contains two parts, one is the name of the web site, two is the brief descriptions of the site core keywords, separated by "-" separated. I think this is enough, so not only can tell users, your site is do what content, but also in line with the search engine (SEO) standardization
Fourth, do not appear and website content not related, keywords or disgusting. Some people think that at present a keyword is very hot, put the keywords in the title, in fact, your own website with the key words of one one unrelated, this fool the user and search engine folly was eliminated early in the N years ago. This not. This not only affects the user experience, will let the search engine to reduce your site's ranking.